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08/15/10 08:23 PM #2    

Kay McGhee (Steele)

 Watch this.  Here are some pictures from the mini reunion.   2010!/video/video.php?v=1468504387498

08/03/12 01:33 AM #3    

Kay McGhee (Steele)

Here are pictures from the 2012 mini reunion.  I hope you enjoy them.  Let me know if you did or if you can't se them.

Darryl Steele

click this link

08/03/12 05:22 PM #4    


Tim Jones

Love them, Hope to get them on the webb site asap!!!

 Thanks a million!!!


08/24/13 05:01 PM #5    


Tim Jones

Well Jack,

Here you go!!!

Mike Hubbard, Nancy Lee, Roger Woodruff, Linda Smith, Linda Robb, Jack Farmer, Belva Tibbs, Frank Lee,Boneta Keck, Leslie Lawson, Linda Stokes, Tim Jones, Ron Snyder, Chas Foreman, David Steel, Loree Warren, Ellen Hall, Imogene Reed, Jerry Hedges, Stephania Ford, James Casey, Gary Mickel.

There you go!!!!

09/25/13 11:48 AM #6    


Jack Farmer

Hey Guys,  Great Reunion,  " Glad I Came"

09/25/13 05:08 PM #7    

Kay McGhee (Steele)

Hello from the Steele's.   Kay McGhee and Darryl.   Here is a link to the pictures I posted on my Flickr account. They are not high quality, but you can see them.  If want to copy or print any of these, have at it.  If you need a higher quality contact me and I will try to sent it to you by email.

Just click below

Darryl and Kay (Mcghee) Steele

09/25/13 09:04 PM #8    

Belva Tibbs (Lee)

Kay and Darryl,

Thank you for sharing your pics.   Great job!  What a fun time, and your pics captured that!  It was so nice to see everyone and we feel everyone left feeling as Tim glad we came!

Frank & Belva

09/29/13 01:39 PM #9    


Loren Adams

I wish I had more time to refine the videos. But here they are:

VIDEOS: 45th Reunion, Class of ’68, Siloam Springs High School (Arkansas)
Pictures from 1968 Yearbook:

09/30/13 11:42 PM #10    


Loren Adams

I am attempting to improve the video for the 45th Reunion. I need your help. What are the words to the Siloam Springs Alma Mater or school theme song?

I'm working on the sound also -- so that the backbround music doesn't interfere with videos with classmates speaking. I found several tutorial videos on YouTube with clear instructions.

But first I need the words to the song we were trying to sing down that dark hallway.

Thanks. -- L.A.

P.S. Email me at

10/02/13 03:45 AM #11    


Loren Adams

To All:

Here is the LINK to the latest & greatest Reunion video:
Click on and WATCH!

I worked on improving the video for our 45th Class Reunion. I think you'll notice a big difference. Background music doesn't drown out conversations from video clips. Of course, YouTube helped a lot with its excellent tutorials anyone can watch online.

The Reunion, in my opinion, was the best possible. The work put into the effort by the committee was phenomenal. I used to think for several years that we'd never get together again. I drifted toward blocking out memories from school days.

Then Tim and Mary Ann got in touch with me -- I know not how -- and we attended a mini-reunion 2 years ago.

The most pleasant surprise was how friendly everyone is -- maybe because we've "matured," or maybe because we've acquired perspective through experience dealing with others over time. No more is the Class of '68 clannish, but embracing of everyone. That's what I appreciate most -- the spirit of inclusiveness.

But the organization put into the reunion projects are exceptionally great. It's not a simple task to come up with a reunion as good as our 45th. All I could say was "Wow!" And the new high school added icing to the cake -- so impressive with its 21st Century technology built for future's growth. It looked like a resort to me with its well-manicured grounds and landscaping. Who would have ever thought?

I want to thank Tim Jones and Belva Tibbs Lee for helping me with the new video. I could not identify so many classmates due to Father Time in addition to my fading memory. Belva, I think, knows everyone's name, quite an accomplishment.

I may still have missed some on the video. If so, we can make revisions over time, no problem. Just email me corrections & additions. Thanks.

I was careful to not include copyrighted music on the video, concerned that YouTube would suspend my account. However, you might notice a familiar tune nearly drowned out by my voice at the close. It was a camouflaged precaution.

Enjoy the new video and please let me know what you think.

Until we meet again,

Loren Adams

05/20/14 06:45 PM #12    

Sally Alvarez (Mitchell)

Hi Everyone

Thank you to all of you who responded to Tim's request to email me so I can rebuild my contacts. I am rather chuffed that so many of you did - in fact too many to resond individually so please accept this as my thanks. Though it all takes time I am gradually rebuilding everything on my computer. Fortunately I am retired as this is proving to be very arduous. 

Best wishes to you all


08/30/14 08:01 AM #13    


Loren Adams

The Class of '68 held a "Mini-Reunion" on August 23, 2014 at Inn at the Springs, a new restaurant / hotel in a renovated hotel, built 1897. It was a special treat visiting with classmates. Please enjoy this video:

03/08/15 04:07 PM #14    

Mary Ann Huskins (Guinn)

I think any one who wants to (from the class of 68) should plan on supper/happy hour at 28 Springs before the group gathering at 6pm.  Say 4-5pm...I'll make reservations of you let me know how many want to gather!


Mary Ann



03/10/15 10:26 AM #15    

Mary Ann Huskins (Guinn)

I'm making a reservation at 28 Springs for 4:30-6pm.  I'll start with 4 tables for 4/in the bar.  I've only heard form 2 folks, so am being optimistc!  please let me know you're coming so I can cancel some of the seats if necessary!

03/11/15 11:21 AM #16    

Imogene (Jeanie) Reed (Felts-Taylor)

Hi Mary Ann, would be there except Odell & I are in Isreal. Jeanie



03/11/15 07:01 PM #17    


Loren Adams

4:30 is an excellent time to meet! Joyce & I look forward to it. Love y'all! L.A.

04/06/15 07:32 PM #18    


Jack Farmer

Hi Mary Ann, Sorry won't be able to make the Band Night. Will be out of town. See you later. Jack

05/07/15 12:31 PM #19    

Betty June Congrove (Campbell)

Thanks for Birthday wishes! I do not think I can be at the Mini-Reunion! Jack has had surgy and not getting around much! Praying the next Reunion we will be able to make it! Love to all!

05/12/15 11:56 AM #20    


Loren Adams

Tomorrow Diane Moorman (Class of '60) is letting me borrow her Siloam Springs yearbooks from 1956-1963 which have photos from the Class of '68 dating back to First Grade. Naturally, I will scan them at home to post on the Class of '68 website for everyone to enjoy. They will be seen on a new section, maybe called "Class of '68 From the Very Start". Do you remember what you looked like at age 6? LOL! (Of course, our family didn't move to Siloam until 1962 to get away from all those "wicked, wild California people" -- or so some of my folks imagined.) I hope those old 50s yearbooks feature group shots. We shall see. But it'll be a nice addition to our site to have class photos dating back to the very beginning. Hope all of you enjoy. And please thank Diane Moorman of Summers for sharing these with us.

BTW, Barry is making a special intro video for our class website that'll be posted adjacent to the Home Page. He will not only capture the distinguishing characteristics and achievements of our class but will encourage the final 20 to join. I've seen some of Barry's TV interviews on YouTube. His speaking ability is inspirational with par excellent quality. All of us will be quite proud.

Thanks for your interest. L.A.

06/09/15 07:24 PM #21    


Loren Adams

Hi, everyone!

Mary Ann & Tim asked me to contact the whole class to see what you think.....

This is about this year's "Mini-Reunion" -  when & where....

Is Saturday, September 12th a good day for you to have the Mini-Reunion?

Message us back. Choose either Inn at the Springs or 28 Springs Restaurant. Which do you prefer?

We want more participation in planning events. So send a message through the website, email me, or call Mary Ann or Tim.

Let's make solid plans by a week from today, okay? We need your responses by Wednesday, June 17th so we can get the word out to everybody as to when/where it will be.

Thanks. L.A.

Email me at:

06/20/15 08:54 PM #22    


Loren Adams


Inn at the Springs - 201 W. University, Siloam Springs, Arkansas – Phone (479) 373-1897

Dinner served at the Inn’s Patio, weather permitting. [Indoors, if inclement.]

To make reservations, please go to "47 Year Mini-Reunion" page at website:  or call & leave message or text at 479-841-6304.

Guests will order individually from Menu. (See Menu below).

Drink Menu for Sweetwater Tavern found at:!blank/cjvi


Hotel Accommodations – Siloam Springs: Inn at the Springs B&B – 479-373-1897 – Hampton Inn – 479-215-1000 - Quality Inn – 479-524-8080 – America’s Best Value Inn & Suites – 479-524-2025 - Budget Inn – 479-524-5127

06/20/15 10:13 PM #23    


Loren Adams

This year's "Mini-Reunion" will be held Saturday, September 12, 2015, at INN AT THE SPRINGS. See details on the Announcement Page.


Around 50 classmates do not do email or get on a computer (at least not regularly). So, we are mailing announcements to them.


For those that log on the website regularly, on the other hand, make your reservations at this listed link:

Make reservations here:


Class photos are now finished - around 3,000 of them - for all 12 years! Take a look at yourself (and your friends) from years gone by!

“High School Years”:


“Junior High Years”:


“Early Years” (Elementary):


There are quite a few kids who went to school with the Class of '68 that moved elsewhere, finished at another school, or graduated at a later date. Take a look at these pictures; see if you recognize them: 

“Classmates Who Left”:


I count 212 Classmates from Grades 1-12 who attended with our class but didn't finish with us. Maybe they'd like to request being admitted as "Guest Members"? Some went 8 to 11 years with our class but moved at the last minute. It'd be nice to include them - if they want. Tim will screen them to fit our prerequisite.

“Missing Classmates”:


I'm about through with this little "webpage project". Only thing left is Barry's Intro Video which I'd like to post on or near the Home Page. (It'd be nice to have one from Mike Hubbard too.) It'll be the crown jewel of the website.


Thanks for your patience and support with this "work in progress".


Your friend,

Loren Adams



08/25/15 06:56 PM #24    

Imogene (Jeanie) Reed (Felts-Taylor)

Hi Loren,

I will not be able to attend the reunion on 9-12 as we will be playing in a golf tournament out of town.

Sorry to miss it.....

Jeanie Felts-Taylor

12/21/24 02:20 PM #25    


Margaret Wright (Phillips)

Hello to everyone, 

We wanted to wish everyone a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We are doing just fine and are getting a little SNOW today, just before Christmas—only an inch or so. 

I have healed well from my little tumble in July, the only thing that is still giving me trouble is my head and neck. I don't know why, they all (doctors) said nothing was broken there, but it has to be soft tissue damage. It will take lots more time to heal, but it is not stopping me from enjoying life. 

Love and Prayers

Margo and Vince

and all our feathered and furry friends. 

Oh yes, I love to play around when typing.devil

12/22/24 04:19 PM #26    

Rick Allen

Margaret, Thank you for the beautful Christmas message. It made my day.I pray that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and New Year also. Thanks R Allen

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