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Above - Class Officers 1968, Senior Year: Charles Wilson (VP), Mike Hubbard (Pres), Carlotta Wright (Sec-Treas), and Rick Allen (Reporter)

Below - Class Officers 1967, Junior Year (with faculty sponsors standing): OFFICERS seated - Frances Morris, Linda (Shortie) Smith, Kevin Caughman, and Charles Wilson

Junior Year Class Officers (1967)

Junior Class Officers

Seated L-R: Frances Morris (Reporter), Linda Smith (Sec-Trea), Kevin Caughman (President), and Charles Wilson (VP)

Standing L-R: [FACULTY SPONSORS] Mr. Baird, Coach Diehm, Mr. Dorsey, Mrs. Mackey, Mr. Gunter, and Mrs. Lambert

Class of '68 "Mini-Reunion" - July 23, 2011 (our class' 43rd anniversary)

Seated:  Belva Tibbs Lee, Charlotte White Darling, Imogene Reed Felts Taylor, Rita Lawrence Randolph, Loree Warren Foreman and Dale Vaughn


Standing - (Zig-Zagged): Frank Lee, Steve Kelly, Gary Mickel, Linda Smith Engel, Tim Jones, Nancy Lee Horne, Mary Ann Huskins Guinn, Mike Hubbard, Ron Snyder, Stephania Ford Brown, Jim Casey, Johnny Randolph, Leroy Bilby and Loren Adams

Siloam Springs HS Band at 2012 Rose Parade, Pasadena, California

Siloam Springs HS Choir (“The Panther Singers”) performing 2013 Christmas Concert

Siloam Springs Football Team, 1967-68

1967 Yearbook (Annual) Staff

ROW 1 L to R: Marvin Davis, David Kelly, Larry Sherrill, Ricky Allen, Mike Sykes, and Jim Farley

ROW 2 L to R: Burton Elliott, Mr. Black, Ann Tate, Kyra Patterson, Diana Farley, Martha Nelson, and Mrs. Stephenson

ROW 3 L to R: Carolyn Pittman, Dianne Douglas, Twyla Pittman, Jean Moss, Belva Tibbs, Phyllis Smith, Rita Lawrence, and Brenda Thomas

Arkansas Girls' State '67 Representatives

Stephania Ford, Mary Ann Huskins, Mary Barnett, and Barbara Gratzl

Ronnie Snyder wins 1st Place Earth Science Award at Local Science Fair and 2nd Place at Regional Science Fair, 1967


Performed Friday, December 6, 1966

L to R: John Randolph, Ellen Robrahn, Ronnie Snyder, Boneta Keck, Sandra Bell ( seated), Frances Morris, ?Ralph Congrove, Martha Gunn (seated), Leslie Lawson, [not recognized yet], Jim Jordan, Bill Cunningham, Linda Robb, Stephania Ford and Mike Hubbard (seated), Kevin Caughman, Storm Smith, [not recognized yet], John Fowler, Phyllis Smith, Barry Corkern, Bill Hall and Mary Ann Huskins


Sophomore Class Officers, 1966

L to R: Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Wilkerson, Charlotte Kelly (Reporter), Loree Warren (Secretary-Treasurer), Kevin Caughman (President), John Fowler (Vice-President), Mrs. Mackie, and Mrs. McBride

BOTTOM RIGHT INSERT: Rodeo Cowgirls - Donna Darymple, Ellen Robrahn, Boneta Keck, and Ruth Farine

SSHS Class of 1972 40th Year Reunion from Mark Barnett on Vimeo.