Junior High Years
7th Grade Touch Football Team
FRONT ROW, L-R: George Mayo, Jerry Hedges, Leroy Bilby, David Steele, Kenneth Haggard, Lonnie Gilbreath, Travis Estes, and Roger Woodruff. SECOND ROW, L-R: Larry Thomas, Kevin Caughman, Mike Hubbard, Leslie Lawson, Penny Smith, Tally Timmens, Charles Apperson, and John Mark Turner. THIRD ROW, L-R: Ronnie Snyder, Dale Vaughn, Butch Thompson, Lonnie Speed, Steven Kelly, Edward Cothren, and David Vest. BACK ROW, L-R: Ralph Hays, Timmy Jones, Larry Potter, Larry Vaughn, Storm Smith, and Coach Townsend.
Junior Band Drum Major and Majorettes
KNEELING: Judy Clark. STANDING, L-R: Linda Robb, Lynda Eudy, Betty Congrove, Carol Schumacher, and Ellen Robrahn
JUNIOR BAND OFFICERS - Center to front, L-R, counter-clockwise around piano: Linda Robb (Treas), Ellen Robrahn (Librarian), John Mark Turner (Student Director), David Vest (VP), Mr. Hayes (Director), Kevin Caughman (Pres.), Ralph Congrove (Reporter), Judy Clark (Sec.), and Carol Schumacher (Librarian)
AT PIANO - Mr. Hayes, Band Director. STANDING, L-R: Debbie Nolan, Boneta Keck, Sheila Lynch, Stephania Ford, Loree Warren, Mary Ann Huskins, Andrea Nelson, Nancy Lee, and Carol Brown
Junior Quartet - L-R: Leslie Lawson, John Mark Turner, Mr. Hayes (Band Director), David Vest, and Kevin Caughman
JUNIOR HIGH STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS (1963-1964), L-R: Mr. Billie Osgood (Faculty Sponsor), Linda Smith (Pres.), Judy Clark (VP), Janie Hartley (Sec-Trea), and Mike Sykes (Store Manager). Not shown: Mr. Rhodes (Administrative Advisor)
JUNIOR HIGH STUDENT COUNCIL (1963-1964), Seated L-R: Susan Nelson, Buddy Scism, Alan King, Mike Nelson, Janie Hartley, Beverly Lynch, and Mr. Billie Osgood (Faculty Sponsor). Standing L-R: Kevin Caughman, Pam Dodgen, Mike Sykes, Judy Clark, Loree Warren, Stephania Ford, Linda Smith, Charles Apperson, George Mayo, and Mr. Rhodes (Administrative Advisor)
Junior High Store Clerks (1963-1964). Seated L-R: Andrea Nelson, Ralph Harp, and Cheryl Alexander. Standing L-R: Jane Clark, Judy Clark, Mary Ann Huskins, Stephania Ford, Storm Smith, Mrs. Brown (Secretary to the Principal), and Mr. Rhodes (Principal)